Edsel Ford High School

Year: 2022

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 9/16/22

Counseling  Seniors: If you plan on attending Henry Ford College as a freshman, we will be going on a tour to view the campus soon.  If you are interested in attending, please come to the counseling office to sign up with Mr. Andrew Eldridge.  First...

Edsel Ford Open House!

Edsel Ford Open House!

Edsel Ford Open House البيت المفتوح اليوم، يوم الخميس 15 سبتمبر\أيلول 2022 من الساعة 6-7:30 م

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 9/15/22

Counseling  Seniors: If you plan on attending Henry Ford College as a freshman, we will be going on a tour to view the campus soon.  If you are interested in attending, please come to the counseling office to sign up with Mr. Andrew Eldridge.  First...

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 9/14/22

Homecoming court voting is today from 7:50 - 3:30 pm! Log on and vote !  Homecoming Game/Dance Students, the homecoming game will take place on Friday, October 7th, followed the next day by the homecoming dance on Saturday, October 8 in the cafeteria. Guest...

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 9/13/22

Attention Students: Students are not allowed to attend any other high school game without a parent present. Any student who tries to attend another highschool event without a parent will be asked to leave.  Homecoming Game/Dance Students, the homecoming game will...

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 9/12/22

Attention Students: We have now opened additional bathrooms for students. The Boys B hall bathroom and the Girls E hall bathrooms are now open.  Clubs Drama Club If you are interested in being an officer in the Drama Club please submit your officer application to...

Edsel Ford High School

Edsel Ford Back to School Emergency Form Information The Dearborn Public Schools district has launched the ‘Back to School Emergency Form Update’ in ParentConnect so parents can review their student information and provide any new contact information. Parents...