Update: 4/14/21
Wayne County Health has reviewed a recommendation from the Michigan Department of Health and agrees with the State in moving back to a 14 day quarantine for those identified as a Close Contact. This is a change from the current 10 day quarantine.
There are no other changes and the definitions of a Close Contact remain the same. The only change is that a person identified as a Close Contact will now need to quarantine for 14 days rather than 10. (4/14/21)

Parent Consent & Commitment to Screen: Before sending your student to school for Learning Labs or testing, parents should fill out the consent/commitment to screen their student form. This commitment is signed by the parent one time and confirms the parents will adhere to the screening criteria each time their child(ren) attends a Learning Lab. The Health Screening Agreement must be filed in the main office of each school. This can be printed and turned in the FIRST time a student comes to the building, or it can be filled out online.
UPDATE: Per our health officer at WCHD, “Upon return from international travel, an individual should self-quarantine for 7-days, and at the end of the 7-days have another COVID PCR test that needs to be negative before the individual/student returns to school. (2/3/21)
Click here for the online form submission.
Click here to print out the form to turn in.