Edsel Ford High School

Daily News

Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities

Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities

Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities (LAHC) is a nonprofit located in Dearborn that services all of Wayne County. I wanted to offer your students the opportunity to join our Youth Leadership Bridge to College (YLBC) summer cohort. It is an eleven-session series...

Edsel Ford Senior Dinner

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LnpM3E1fXsMneSLp2RdfOrt618YLystz/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/10UrZTT5TpeHYZggJIwahn5HbGqPasruF/view?usp=sharing Thank you to the following businesses for donating the food! The students had a great time! Pizza...

Testing Week/ Cell Phones/

The week of April 10th is TESTING WEEK. That’s a critical week for our high schoolers. Please ensure your child gets enough sleep and has a healthy breakfast/suhoor. Here is the link to the testing days.  All students must bring thier school ID for the testing days. ...

Senior Dinner

Senior Dinner

Seniors gathered together last night to enjoyed each other's company and great food! Thank you to all of the local businesses that donated food! Students had a great time! Senior students whole group picture Getting some food! Students getting some food! Students...