Edsel Ford High School

Rima Hassan

Freshmen Tailgate

Freshmen Tailgate

Thank you to all of the students who were able to come out today! It was a great day of fun! Below are some pictures.

BMX: Stop the Hate Tour

BMX: Stop the Hate Tour

BMX came out yesterday to remind students to stand up against hate. It was a great assembly for our 9th and 10th graders. Below are some pictures.

Kicking off Senior Year!

Kicking off Senior Year!

Seniors are painting their parking spots for their last year of high school! It has been a hassle with all of the construction but they finally have their day! We ask all parents coming out to open house today (1:30-3PM) to not park where there are cones. Thank you!

Freshman Orientation

Freshman Orientation

Our incoming freshmen orientation was held yesterday. Our kids had a great time! We look forward to a great year with all of our students! Below are some pictures.

Ninth Grade Orientation Aug. 20 10-1:30PM

As a reminder, Edsel Ford High School will be hosting our ninth grade orientation for all incoming ninth graders on Tuesday, August 20th from 10:00 - 1:30pm. The orientation will begin in the gymnasium. Ninth graders should be dropped off by the EFHS main entrance off...

Edsel Ford Theater Camp

Edsel Ford Theater Camp

Mr. Kelm and Edsel Ford hosted the first annual Edsel Ford Theatre intensive camp! This exciting program is aimed at encouraging middle and high school students (6-12th Grade)  to step out of their comfort zone and learn stage fundamentals to prepare them for the...