Greeting Thunderbirds: The first full week of school is now behind us! We are now transitioning from learning about expectations and building rapport to more content based learning. Attendance: First hour begins at 7:50AM. Students shouldn’t arrive late in the...
Rima Hassan
Week Ahead…
Greetings Thunderbird Families: We hope everyone had a restful weekend! Congratulations to the Edsel Soccer Team for beating Fordson 4-0! We are still undefeated! i-Ready Diagnostic: We will begin assessing students in Math and Language Arts using the...
i-Ready Assessment (Math and LA Classes)
This week we will begin assessing students in Math and Language Arts using the i-Ready Diagnostic. This is the first time at the high school level we are able to assess where our students are at in order to help them close any achievment gaps. The i-Ready Diagnostic...
Week Ahead..
Thunderbirds, We are extremely excited for the start of this school year! We look forward to welcoming all of our returning students and our new students! We hope to start this school year strongly focused on high academic success for all of our students! We truly...
Welcome Back Letter
Please see attached letter. Edsel-Welcome-Letter-2023Download

LAHC Back to School Summer Bash–Fee School Supplies on August 18th 3-7PM
The Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities (LAHC) will be at Swapka Park, 5499 McKinley St, Dearborn Heights, MI 48125 from 3-7 pm on Friday August 18th for their Back to School Summer Bash! They will be giving away free backpacks, offering health screenings, ice...
Suggested School Supply List
For those inquirying, this is only a suggested supply list: Suggested-back-to-school-listDownload
Year End Parent Survey
Please take the time to provide us with feedback as we continue to reflect and make Edsel a better environment for all students and stakeholders!
Graduation Reminders
Seniors of Edsel Ford High School, Graduation is only a few days away! Below are some reminders: So far the weather is looking good! We will continue to monitor the forecast. If rain is in the forecast we will make a decision on that day, maybe even...
Three EFHS students earn multiple ASE certifications
Three Edsel Ford High School students already have a head start on a possible career as mechanics having earned several ASE certifications this school year. Salman Ahmad, a senior, received six of the certifications, junior Amir Alkhatib received eight, and sophomore...