Edsel Ford High School

Catherine Awada

Wayne RESA’s Career Counselor Corner

Wayne RESA’s Career Counselor Corner

Career Counselor Corner – Winter 2025 Newsletter Wayne RESA's Career Counselors & Postsecondary Success Navigator bring up-to-date information to help students with career & postsecondary planning. This winter edition shares the benefits of taking Career...

Edsel Ford PTSA Meeting Wednesday January 15 at 6:30pm

Edsel Ford PTSA Meeting Wednesday January 15 at 6:30pm

The next Parent Teacher Association Meeting is on Wednesday January 15 at 6:30pm in room A1.  We highly encourage you to support our PTA. They need our support. Contribute today. This is a great way to be involved with your child’s school! PTSA Membership: sign up to...

Mark your Calendar

We are sharing with you some important dates. Please see below: March 1 Deadline to Order Graduation Cap and Gown https://www.jostens.com/grad/high-school-products-graduation.html March 4 Parent Teacher Conferences time to be announced May 23 Edsel Memorial Day at 8am...

When To Keep Your Child Home-Reference Sheet

Happy New Year. With the cold weather finally taking hold, the cold and flu season is in full swing it may be a good idea to review the following Reference Sheet Link of when to keep your child home from school. When To Keep Your Child Home from School-Live Document...