313-827-1501(accepts messages 24 hours/day)
Please call the attendance office if a student is going to be:
– absent from school
– arrive late to school
– leave school early
A parent or guardian must call the Attendance Office by 7:00 AM on the same day. The recording is available 24 hours a day. The Attendance Office will check the messages.
If a student will be leaving school before 2:15, the student must report to the Attendance Office to get a “Permit to Leave” pass before going to first hour.
Students may not leave school early without following these procedures or their absences may be unexcused.
Please see the high school attendance policy for Dearborn Public Schools for more information.
You can enter your child’s absence through Parent Connect. If you still need to speak to someone, you must call the Attendance Office before 7:30 am on the day of the absence at 313-827-1501. Please leave a clear message with the student’s name and date of birth. If your student will need to leave school early for an appointment, it is also necessary to phone the Attendance Office. Students are only allowed to leave school during passing time so as to not disturb class instruction time. Your student will meet you in the attendance office. Parents must come into the building to sign the student out. Any absence will still count towards their audit.
No student is permitted to leave the building during the school day without a pass from the attendance office. Students who do so will be considered skipping and will receive disciplinary action. Students that have more than 10 absences, that are not extenuating circumstances with verified documentation, are considered to be on audit and will receive reduced credit in the classes in which they have exceeded 10 absences unless they receive a 78% or higher on the final exam.