Edsel Ford High School




Attention students:  Starting tomorrow, you may only enter the building in the morning thru the gym doors.   Students will not be allowed to enter at the main entrance.


Summer school registration has started. Please visit the counseling office for forms and classes available. Classes will start on June 22nd. Summer school classes are $275 each. There will be a $175 discount for early registration and another $100 tuition reimbursement with a signed contract. Cost will increase to $325 if registering on June 22nd.

Attention seniors who will be playing sports in college next year.  The signing day picture is being moved toTuesday, May 19th at 1:45 pm.  You will need to have your info sheet filled out prior to the Tuesday.  See Mr. Picano

Registration forms for the Spring Sports Banquet must be returned to either the main office or Mr. Picano no later than Wednesday, May 27th.  The banquet will take place on June 1st with doors opening at 5:30pm.  Athletes who participated in a Spring sport are encouraged to come celebrate your athletic accomplishments.

There will be a MSA end-of-year party TODAY, Friday at 2:30. The MSA scholarship recipients are the following; 1st place Ali Alshakhdari, 2nd place Waheeb Said, 3rd place Fatima Salany.

Physics Day at Cedar Point has been cancelled. Please see Ms. Hier in D1 after school to get your trip money back.

Interested in playing dodgeball (aka goal ball)?  Get your team together and $30 to Mrs. Haddad by TODAY, Friday, May 15!  If we do not have a team by then we will unfortunately have to cancel the event.  All sign up sheets are outside Mrs Haddad’s office and all proceeds will go to the family of Tam Tam.  Thanks!

Tassels are available in the Main Office for purchase.  The cost is $12.00.

Invitations for Senior Honor’s night have been mailed.  If you did not receive one and think you should have been included, please see Ms. Hall in the Main Office.  Thanks!!!

Senior Party tickets will be available to purchase TODAY,Friday, May 15th with Mrs. DeVries in the cafeteria.  You may also purchase them in the main office.

The R-word is the word ‘retard(ed)’. Why does it hurt? The R-word hurts because it is exclusive. It’s offensive. It’s derogatory.Our Youth Activation is leading a campaign asking people to pledge to stop saying the R-word as a starting point toward creating more accepting attitudes and communities for all people.  Language affects attitudes and attitudes affect actions.  Pledge today to use respectful, people-first language.Stop by the bulletin board at the corner of E & F halls to sign the EFHS pledge. Our goal is to get more signatures than last year!

All Students!  All Media Center materials are due back by May 26th…    Late Charges will apply and continue to increase the longer you wait.  Don’t end up owing more than you need to if at all! 

Attention Yearbook Purchasers:  You must have settled all fines owed and returned all materials and equipment prior to receiving your ordered Yearbook! 

Seniors!  If YOU have materials, books, equipment due, and/or possibly fines owes, you must return, settle and pay them prior to receiving your diploma! 

Attention Juniors and Seniors…Are you are interested in a career in law enforcement, emergency medical technician, fire fighter, or local government? If so, please sign up in the counseling center for an upcoming informational meeting hosted by the Dearborn Chief of Police and the Dearborn Fire Chief.

Any senior girl who is in need of a prom dress, please see the social workers. 

SENIORS ONLY: It’s that time of the year again when we begin looking for an “At Large” speaker for graduation. This is open to all seniors.  Interested seniors should submit a speech (5 mins long), to Mrs. Hall in the main office by TODAY, Friday, May 15, 2015.