Students! Please check the lost and found for any shoes or clothing that you may have misplaced. Any items left at the end of the school year will be donated!!
Students interested in having Theatre as a class in the Fall, please see the bulletin board outside Mr. Doyle’s room. If there is enough interest, we will be able to run a class!
Any students who have not picked up their AP Language and Composition books and handouts, please come to E-11 before Friday.
We are glad to announce that there is a full tuition reimbursement available for students that enroll and pass the summer school courses. This option is available on a first come first served basis due to limited funds
The Salina Community Center is closed on Monday, June 9 through Friday, June 13.
There will be NO breakfast on Friday, June 13, 2014.
Boys’ track athletes come to C-3 to pick up your track pictures.
Girls Track: Your team pictures are in. Stop by B5 to pick them up!
All students taking AP Calculus next year, need to see Mrs. Maynor in A201 to pick up summer work.
TO ALL STUDENTS: Coach Baydoun will be conducting his 11th Annual Free Basketball Camp for all current 3rd thru 8th grade students from June 23rd to June 26th in the main gym. All participants will be receiving a free camp t-shirt and camp basketball for participating. Any student who has a younger sibling that would like to participate can see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office for an application.
Please come to F13 to purchase the last of this year’s yearbooks. The price is 90.00.
Summer school applications are available in the main office and counseling office. See your counselor or Mr. Naimi during school hours thru June 13 to register. Early registration discount is $275 per class. Registration after June 13 is $325 per class.