Edsel Ford High School

Week Ahead..


We are extremely excited for the start of this school year! We look forward to welcoming all of our returning students and our new students! We hope to start this school year strongly focused on high academic success for all of our students! We truly appreciate your partnership and together we can make Edsel Ford a model school! 

Please review the following expectations with your child. We need to all be on the same page. Attached you will find our cell phone policy, tardy policy, and the high school district dress code policy. 

Here are a few other reminders that we wanted to ensure you were aware of for the first week:

  • August 28th is a ½ day with a 10:55 dismissal. MBCC and DCMST students will stay at Edsel all day. Students who have MBCC/DCMST classes should report to the cafeteria. 
  • We are going digital. All schedules were released on student connect on Friday. Schedules can be printed upon request. Check your class schedules again on Sunday night through your Student or ParentConnect as there may still be some class changes. Email your counselor if you have any missing classes.
    • The counseling team will be stationed in the auditorium the first three days of school (8-28, 8-29, 8-30) receiving students who have a hole in their schedule (missing hour/repeat course/incorrect required class). Students with a complete schedule must report to class. Please do not send them to the auditorium. We encourage them to email their counselor with any questions. 

Schedule changes CANNOT be made for:

  • -a teacher change 
  • -wanting to be with friends
  • -switching hours
  • -lunch change
  • Link Crew ambassadors will help all of our Freshmen locate their classes throughout the day tomorrow. We also will have all support staff out to help ensure our students know where their classes are. 
  • NO Cell Phones: During the school day, students should have their personal electronic devices (smart phones) off; this includes earbuds. Students may use them during lunchtime. See attached cell phone policy. 
  • The doors off of the student parking lot will be used for the morning arrival only. Students who are leaving due to dual enrollment classes or co-op must exit and enter through the main door. We will use the main entrance only to ensure the security of all doors. 
  • All dual enrollment students must leave the building during their allotted time. 
  • For parents who pick-up and drop-off their students, the parking lot off of Pelham  is for buses only from 7:15-8:00 AM and 2:30-3:15 PM. Any parent dropping off or picking up their student should enter the main entrance off of Rotunda or drop off their student at the gymnasium entrance. Please see attached traffic map below. The map below reflects only the dismissal time. In the morning, we will also have the roundabout open for parents to drop off.  We also ask that everyone be patient to ensure the safety of all. We will constantly revisit our process to ensure that it is as smooth as possible. 
  • If you have a student driver, please speak to them about the importance of being safe and following all traffic laws especially in our student parking lot. The gym doors will only be open to enter/exit during morning dismissal. All other times, students must enter/exit through the main entrance. 
  • For the first day, students should bring something to write with (pen or pencil), something to write on (paper or notebook).
  • These are the different bell schedules depending on what type of day we are running. This also includes all of our early release and half day dates as well.
  • For busing information, please call (313) 827-3300.
  • There is no school on Friday, September 1st and Monday, September 4th due to Labor Day.
  • Edsel High School is a closed campus. No students are to leave Edsel High School for lunch.
  • Audit reduces a student’s credit for a class from 0.5 credits to 0.25 credits for having 10 or more absences in a class. Tardies impact your attendance as well. Every four tardies is an absence. If a student does not recover the credit by passing the class, including receiving a 78% or better on the cumulative final exam, the student must take the class in night school or summer school to regain their full credit. Summer school costs $350 a class and night school costs $175 a class.
  • Cell phone policy (No cell phones/No Airpods/Headphones)
  • Tardy Policy
  • Dress code policy (This begins on the first day of school) 

Please review the Student Code of Conduct

Consider joining our Booster Club and PTSA. Your partnership is essential to your child’s success!

PTSA Membership

We also want to encourage everyone to come out and support our athletes this week. We need everyone to show off that Thunderbird Pride! 

**Please note: you can drop off in the roundabout off of Rotunda in the AM ONLY. 

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Go Thunderbirds! 

Ms. Hassan


Upcoming dates to remember:

Aug. 28     First day of school (half day) dismissal at 10:55

Sept. 1-4      No School Labor Day Weekend

Sept. 5             Grade level expectation assembly 

                 10th: first hour; 11th: second hour; 12th: third hour, 9th: sixth hour

Sept. 6         Fall pictures in the auditorium 

Sept. 13       Booster meeting at 7PM

Sept. 22       Homecoming game

Sept. 23       Homecoming dance