Edsel Ford High School

Year: 2022

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 3/22/22

Charity Week Below is the schedule of events that will take place. Charity Week will conclude with a Staff vs. Student basketball game and rally from 1:00 - 2:45 PM on Friday, March 25th. In order to attend this event, you must purchase a ticket for $10 during lunch....

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 3/21/22

Charity Week Today is the first day of Charity Week. Below is the schedule of events that will take place. Charity Week will conclude with a Staff vs. Student basketball game and rally from 1:00 - 2:45 PM on Friday, March 25th. In order to attend this event, you must...

Parent Survey -We Need Your Input

We still need your input! Please take the time to fill out the parent survey.  We  want to hear from you. This survey is to help us understand the quality of services provided to learners and their families.  The survey results can be used to support...

Spaghetti Dinner and Concert

Spaghetti Dinner and Concert

Friday night the band and orchestra students hosted a spaghetti dinner and concert. So many families came out to support. It was an amazing night. Kudos to Ms. B and her students and for our parent volunteers! The kids played beautifully. The audience enjoying the...

Covid-19 Notification

Covid-19 Notification

DATE:3-20-2022 TO: Staff and Families of Edsel Ford High School  FROM: Ms. Rima Hassan, Principal  RE: COVID-19 Case Identification  Two  positive cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) have been identified at Edsel Ford High School. Exposure took place...

Upcoming Senior Events

Please see attached letter about upcoming Senior events: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wMF1sTf8dl6ZfaHbggbnyb03uJQ8ZJOO/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101123742976947521949&rtpof=true&sd=true

Covid-19 Notification

Covid-19 Notification

DATE:3-18-2022 TO: Staff and Families of Edsel Ford High School  FROM: Ms. Rima Hassan, Principal  RE: COVID-19 Case Identification  One positive case of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at Edsel Ford High School. Exposure took place 3/17 on...