Edsel Ford High School

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 4/21/22

  • Seniors:

Here is a chance to win 2 extra Graduation Ceremony tickets! Anyone that attended the Senior dinner may purchase raffle tickets for $1 each from Ms. B in the student office. 

  • Attention Graduates: Submissions for the Senior Speech for Class of 2022 Commencements are now being accepted. This is open to any graduating senior who would like to speak. The speech is really whatever you may feel you would like to share/say to your classmates and families. 
  • Please submit a copy of your typed speech, no more than 2 minutes long, by 3:00 pm, Friday May 6th to farajk@dearbornschools.org .
  • All submitted speeches will be given to a panel of EFHS staff members for rating. After the panel selects the top three, they are presented to administration for approval. The Principal will contact the finalist to notify him or her once the final selection has been made. 


Key Club

Key Club is selling raffle tickets during A and B lunch today and Friday for a chance to win a gift card! All money collected from the raffle will be donated to Zaman to buy food for families during the month of Ramadan.” 

Talent Show

Edsel’s Got Talent Show will be Friday, May 6, during, 5th and 6th hour. If you would like to audition, auditions are open this Thursday, the 21st after school in room E8.

 If you would like to attend the talent show, you will need to buy a ticket during lunch next week April 25-29 for $5. 

Book Club

Do you like reading? The Book Club will meet on Wednesday, April 27th in Mr. Remington’s class, room C5, from 3 to 4 o’clock. We will be choosing the next book to read. New members are welcome.

Link Crew

Attention all 10th and 11th graders:

Link Crew applications have been emailed to all 10th and 11th grade students.  We are looking for hard working, empathetic students that want to mentor the incoming 9th graders.  Applications are due Friday, April 29th.  Students will be notified by mid-May on who was chosen.  Please check your email for the Link Crew application google form.  Contact Mrs. Mroue if you have any questions:  mrouel@dearbornschools.org). 

Student Council

The applications to run for class office for 2025 (Freshmen), 2024 (Sophomores) and current juniors wishing to run for Student Coordinating Council 2023 can either pick up applications from Mr. Tyler in C-3 or from the Main Office. Make sure to take the application that matches your class standing.

Drama Club: Edsel Ford Drama Club presents the Production of Disney Film’s Descendants – The Musical. It will be held April 28-30th at 7PM, in the Edsel Ford Auditorium. 

Tickets are: $12 Adults and $10 for Students and Seniors. 

More information can be found in the link below! 

Edsel Ford Production of Disney’s Descendants- The Musical

Class of 2022 Prom

Prom is coming! The Edsel Ford Senior Prom will take place on Sunday, May 22 at The Henry Hotel. 

It’s $50 a person or $90 for couples.  You must show your student ID in order to purchase a ticket. Tickets can be purchased during both lunches or from Ms. Hodge’s room in E-8.  Guest passes are available in the student office. The deadline for turning in a guest pass is May 5th! 


EFHS Student Athletic Scholarship Application – The Booster Club will once again offer scholarships to seniors this year, but this year we will provide 4 $500 scholarships, 2 for girls, 2 for boys. Applications are due by April 21. Directions in application.

The Bolt 

Students don’t forget to check out our School Newspaper, The Bolt! 

Click on the following link  The Bolt 

This link can also be found on the Edsel Ford Blog!


Yearbooks will be on sale at Lunch.  If you would like to buy a 2021 (last year’s yearbook) there still are some available for $75.  If you would like to pre-order a 2022 yearbook (this year’s yearbook), you can do so at lunch or after/before school in F-9 Mr. Pletzke’s classroom for $65.

Yearbook Blog Link

If you buy a 2021 and 2022 at the same time during the month of April , the cost for both will be $125.  Payments can be CASH or CHECKS made out to Edsel Ford.


Please click on the following link for this week’s athletic schedule! 

Week of 4/18 – 4/24

Check out our Edsel Athletic Department Website!

Athletic Department Website 

****PLEASE NOTE:  Student ID is required for our home athletic events.  Only students from the participating teams will be allowed to enter.  Dearborn HS and Fordson HS have the same policy.****


April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, the perfect time for this reminder: When you’re driving, just drive. Don’t text, call, eat, drink, fix your makeup, or comb your hair. Keep your eyes on the road and stay safe. Click on the link below for more information. 

National Distracted Driver Awareness Month


Covid 19 Testing

 UCC will follow this schedule for Covid Testing

Monday @ Edsel, 3-6 pm

Tuesday @ Dearborn, 3-6 pm

Wednesday @ Salina, 3:30-4:30 pm

Thursday @ Fordson, 3-6 pm

***Please note: This communication can be found daily on the Edsel Ford H.S. Blog!***

Helpful Links: Edsel Ford High School Blog

                            Athletic Department Website 

                            The Bolt 

Tech support (Parents & Students) – 313-827-8400


(ترجمة هذه الصفحة في الأسفل. إضغط على Select Language ثم اختر اللغة العربي Arabic.)

  Zenib Ali, Parent Student Liaison Edsel Ford High School 313827-3396 aliz1@dearbornschools.org