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Edsel Ford High School

Edsel Ford High School Daily Bulletin 12/2/21

December 2, 2021

The Superintendent Student Advisory Committee is looking for students’ input on what kind of methods can be implemented to honor the Oxford shooting victims. Please click on the following link to take the survey. Oxford High School Vigil Survey 

Dearborn Safe Driving Committee 

Dearborn Safe Driving Committee is once again seeking motivated high schoolers to join in spreading the word and informing our city about safe driving methods and statistics. 

We accomplished a great ton last year and plan to accomplish even more this year! Click here to watch a video showcasing some of what we did last year, and click here to apply to join our committee. Looking forward to a very productive year! 

Edsel Ford Offers Covid testing at the following times: 

EFHS Cafeteria- (Park in the back)

6:40-7:40 AM & 3:00-4:00 PM

Monday – Thursday 

Cafeteria – Classroom 2 

(1st time testing-must have parent sign consent form)


The Anime club will meet in the library after school today. 

Edsel Ford High School Theater Presents

Laughing Stock 

When: December 1-3, 7:00 PM

Where: Edsel Ford Auditorium

General Admission: $10 and $8 for Students and Seniors 65 and older (Cash Only)

Doors open at 6:00 PM

The ASL Club will meet after school TODAY, in room C-6 to work on designing a club sweatshirt.

Teen Grantmaking Initiative (TGI)

We, the members of the Teen Grantmaking Initiative (TGI), are a group of high school students who are dedicated to making positive change in the community. Our goal is to donate money to nonprofit organizations working in our community on issues that are important to youth like us.

We want to know what issues facing youth today are most important to you so that we can focus on those problem areas. 

Thank you for helping us out! Please click this link to take the survey.

Please note that survey responses are anonymous and are only shared with TGI program participants and staff. 


Scholarship Opportunities

The University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit is sponsoring twelve unique scholarship opportunities for incoming Freshman students attending  UM Ann Arbor in the Fall of 2022. 

Please visit the University of Michigan Club website at Scholarship Application

The due date for scholarship applications is February 11, 2022 by 5:00 pm. 

Please note: the UofM Club of Greater Detroit will be following up with their program via email- Please email the name of your College Counselor and their email address to

Additional Scholarship opportunities are available through the counseling blog!

Please subscribe to the link below so you never miss a thing!


Yearbooks will be on sale at Lunch.  If you would like to buy a 2021 (last year’s yearbook) there still are some available for $75.  If you would like to pre-order a 2022 yearbook (this year’s yearbook), you can do so at lunch or after/before school in F-9 Mr. Pletzke’s classroom for $65.

If you buy a 2021 and 2022 at the same time during the month of October, the cost for both will be $125.  Payments can be CASH or CHECKS made out to Edsel Ford.


The Boys Basketball Program is having two fundraising events for this season. 

The first fundraising event is the alumni game on Friday, December 10th, in the main gym at 6:00 p.m.

Tickets will be $5 and they can be purchased from Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office. 

Second fundraiser is, students can purchase some very nice Edsel Ford apparel through Fan Cloth. The catalogs are outside Mr. Baydoun’s counseling office. The deadline to order for that is Monday, December 13th. Please see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office if you have any questions. 

Student Athletic Passes are available for $40 .  The pass will get you into any home athletic event.  Please see Mr Silver during lunch or after school in the Athletic Office.

Please note: This communication can also be found on the Edsel Ford High School Blog


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Yasmeen Nasr, Community Liaison Edsel Ford High School 313-827-1535 or Zenib Ali, Parent Student Liaison Edsel Ford High School 313-827-8123