I hope this communication finds you and your family healthy and safe. Dearborn Public School teachers and administrators have prepared remote learning experiences for all district students for the next several weeks using resources that your child is already familiar with through his/her daily classroom instruction. During this three week shut down, our shared goal is to ensure students maintain the progress they have made and to continue to be engaged in learning. Teachers have individualized their remote learning plans based on individual student needs and their current practices. Parents play an important role in ensuring the success of their child’s academic success and this plan by maintaining ongoing communication with their teachers.
Remote learning plans have been communicated to families by building principals and/or classroom teachers via the school blog and other forms of communication. Please look for those communications if you have a student in our school district.
The District will be loaning Chromebooks to families in order to support their child’s remote learning. Please note that Chromebooks need a working internet connection. The district is working directly with schools to identify students in need of a chromebook and to coordinate the distribution. The first Chromebooks are being handed out starting on Tuesday, March 17 at Miller Elementary, Nowlin Elementary, Whitmore Bolles Elementary, Geer Park Elementary and Long Elementary. Chrome book distribution will continue throughout the week at all the other schools including EDSEL FORD. We will place a robocall as well sharing specific details on the technology handout at Edsel Ford once I get a date from the district.. Please continue to follow http://www.dearbornschools.org for more information regarding on-line learning.
At this point in time, there is no direction that this mandated shut down will last beyond the designated time. However, if schools were required to be closed for an additional length of time, the District is beginning to make plans to expand remote learning by using a common platform that will involve staff, student, and parent training opportunities. Please stay informed through your school’s normal communication channels (blog, robocall, etc). We encourage you to continue to provide emotional support for your children in this time of uncertainty.
For questions about the classroom learning plan, contact your child’s classroom teacher. If you need support with technology access, contact 313-827-3003.
Wishing you and your family all the best for good health in the coming days and weeks ahead..
Principal Casebolt