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Edsel Ford High School

A Letter From the Principal

March 6, 2019   

Dear Edsel Ford Community,

On Tuesday evening Edsel Ford administration was informed about a post on social media threatening the safety of the school on Wednesday morning.  We immediately contacted Dearborn Police to assist us in investigating the source of this message.

It has been determined that the posting was not a credible threat and the police as well as school administration are confident there is no danger to the school. Because this rumor was being spread over several different social media platforms, as a precautionary measure, additional Dearborn Police will be at the school on Wednesday, March 6, 2019.

Once again we have experienced the negative impact that spreading rumors or making threats on social media can have on the entire community. I do want to thank the students who reported this information to our staff and assisted in our investigation efforts. I would also like to thank the entire Dearborn Police, Chief Haddad, and the Edsel staff for coming together to resolve this issue and ensure the safety of Edsel Ford High School.  

We know our students are safe at home and we pride ourselves on creating a safe environment for your children when they are here at school.  By working together we can ensure that our school will always be a safe place for learning.


Scott Casebolt,


Edsel Ford High School.