Edsel Ford High School

Dress Code Reminder

Good Morning,

With warmer weather finally making it’s way to Michigan, some students may need a reminder of the Dearborn Public Schools Dress Code Policy.

The following factors are to be considered in determining student dress and grooming regulations:
1. Cleanliness and other aspects of personal hygiene
2. Decency
3. Maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to learning
4. Safety in terms of the hazards that inappropriate dress and grooming present to the student or group in a school setting
5. Compliance with standards of dress and grooming that are generally considered acceptable in our community and in contemporary society
In judging the appropriateness of student dress, the following regulations apply:
1. Clothing should be modest and avoid distracting influences.
2. Footwear must be worn.
3. Sunglasses may be worn only with the permission of a principal upon the recommendation of a doctor or health official.
4. Clothing or shoes which damage school property are not permitted.
5. Clothing displaying offensive or inappropriate pictures or writing which includes but is not limited to topics of sex, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs is not permitted.
6. Outerwear, including hats and jackets, is not to be worn in school.
7. Clothing, jewelry, symbols, or other things that may be perceived as denoting membership in a gang are not permitted.
8. Jewelry, symbols, clothing or other things that can cause safety concerns are not permitted.
Thank you,
Edsel Ford High School
Administration Team