Edsel Ford High School

Dearborn Community Meeting on Natural Gas

We will be hosting a community event at Salina Intermediate School to learn more about the second proposal in 6 weeks to expand a natural gas facility in Dearborn, MI and the health impacts of pollution on the SE Michigan area. We’ll also hear from environmental advocates for clean energy to understand the big picture of natural gas expansion.
This meeting is to inform the community in advance of the MDEQ Public Hearing on the DTE Natural Gas expansion [details below].
Dearborn Community Meeting on Natural Gas
LOCATION: Salina Intermediate School Auditorium
Time/Date: Tuesday March 20, 6-8pm
  • 5:30pm      Set up
  • 6:10pm      Welcome – Karima Alwishah, Southend Resident and MEJC Clean Air Council
  • 6:20pm      What is the DTE CEP Permit – Nick Leonard,Great Lakes Environmental Law
  • 6:40pm       Health impacts of outdoor air pollution – Farah Erzouki, ACCESS
  • 7:00pm       What is the deal on Natural Gas – Andrew Sarpolis [Sierra Club], JC Kibbey [Union of Concerned Scientists]
  • 7:30pm      Townhall [Lead by Theresa Landrum of 48217]
  • 8pm           Clean up
Refreshments and translation provided.
Thank you to UCS for donating to translate and interpret at the event. Also, thanks to DWEJ for donating food. Thanks to all the amazing people who are helping contribute: Karima Alwishah, Theresa Landrum, ACCESS, CAPHE, CURES, DWEJ, Ecology Center, EcoWorks, GLELC, SDEV, Sierra Club, UCS, WSU TELC and more!
Hope to see you there!
Karima Alwishah
For more info contact: Michelle Martinez
Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition