Come celebrate the end of the first semester at Yogurtopia on Monday, January 26th from 10:30am to 9pm and support the Class of 2015. Mention you are from Edsel Ford to the cashier and a donation will be made to the Senior Class.
There will be a girls tennis meeting on Tuesday 1/27 at 2:30pm in the cafeteria. All girls interested in playing this spring will need to attend the meeting.
Students! Please check the lost and found for any lost items. Anything left in the lost and found after Friday, January 30th will be disposed of.
The junior class is having a fundraiser TODAY, Thursday January 22nd at Leo’s Coney Island on Greenfield from 11-5. You must bring a flyer, pick one up from room E-4 or any class rep.
Starting, Tuesday, Jan 27th we will be selling duct tape for $1/a foot to tape Mr. Rydzik to the wall!! The event will take place on Friday, Feb. 6th. All proceeds will go towards Kids Against Hunger.
Students: Last chance to place a baby ad! 1/8th pages and 1/4 pages only. See a yearbook staff member or go to the Edsel Ford High School yearbook web page to find the information.
ASAP registration has started. Please visit the counseling office for forms and classes available. Classes will start on February 10th. ASAP classes are $150 each.There will be a $75 discount for early registration and another $75 tuition reimbursement with a signed contract.