Edsel Ford High School


  • Students, please be advised that high school students are not allowed to attend the basketball games at Salina Middle School.
  • STUDENTS! Some of you received a letter in the mail with a new emergency card.  These cards MUST to be returned to the student office by FRIDAY, December 9th.  Failure to do so will result in some action to ensure receipt of this form. Student Office


·        Junior and Senior students/parents You’re invited to a FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Edsel Ford High School Cafeteria. A financial aid rep will provide helpful information and answer questions regarding financial aid for college.

  • NHS members: Check out the board outside the counseling office to see the list of items needed for Children’s Hospital. The items are due Dec. 15th
  • NHS members: The holiday cards for the troops are due this Friday. Bring them to the counseling office.
  • All Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen:  THIS Saturday, December 10, Edsel Ford will be sponsoring the Kaplan Practice ACT Test.  Check in will begin at 8 AM, with the test beginning promptly at 8:30.  Check in and test will take place in the Edsel Ford Cafeteria.  Please bring your own calculator to the test.  We will only have a limited amount of calculators available on the day of the test.  This is your last opportunity to take a practice ACT test prior to the March ACT/MME.  Don’t miss out!  Sign up in the Counseling Office and reserve your spot.  We have only 150 slots available, so sign up as soon as possible!





6:30 Boys Varsity Swimming Roosevelt, Away

7:30 Boys Varsity Ice Hockey Crestwood, Away