Edsel Ford High School

Daily News for April 20th

Good morning, Edsel Ford! Today is Monday, April 20th, and these are your daily announcements.


Attention All Seniors: HFCC is offering fifteen $1000 community scholarships to Edsel Ford High School. They will be awarded to the fifteen students who have maintained a GPA of 3.0 or higher, with each student receiving $500 for the first semester and $500 for the second semester. If interested, see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office ASAP.


Also, Mr. Baydoun will nominate two seniors for the HFCC Board of Trustees Scholarship. To be eligible, students must have an outstanding academic record and not be receiving the Michigan Competitive Scholarship. The scholarships cover the cost of tuition and are available for four semesters or 62 credit hours.


Graduating seniors may pick up applications for the PTSA scholarship in the Counseling Office.   Two $500 scholarships will be awarded.


Another scholarship available is the Julie A. Ibbetson Memorial Scholarship, which will be awarded to a senior girl with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and who is active in her place of worship.  A recommendation and essay are required.  Applications are available in the Counseling Office.


There will be a meeting for the Student Coordinating Council after school on Wednesday, April 22nd in C-3 concerning fundraising and elections.


Book Club will meet tomorrow, April 21st in the LMC at 2:25. This month’s book is Kindred.


Thornley Court will be having a bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday by the band hall and the cafeteria.  We hope to see you there after school.


Prom tickets will be on sale starting until May 8th in the cafeteria: $90 for couples and $50 for singles.


Today’s sports are as follows:

Boys’ Golf is home against Lincoln Park.

Girls’ Tennis is against Southgate Anderson, Varsity home at 4, and JV away at 4.

And girls’ soccer is away at Crestwood High School, Varsity at 7, JV at 5:30.


Now for today’s random fact:

The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.


Thanks for listening, Edsel Ford.   Have a great day!