Edsel Ford High School

Daily News for March 23rd

Good morning, Edsel Ford! Today is Monday, March 23rd, and these are your daily announcements.


For those of you that signed up for the blood drive, it is this Wednesday, March 25th. Please be sure to drink plenty of water and eat a good breakfast before you give blood. Thank you, and remember you’re helping save lives.


Applications for next year’s Link Crew 2009/2010 are available in the front office, counseling office or from Mrs. McAuliff.  They are due back no later than April 9th.  You may turn them in to the same location or put them in Mrs. McAuliff’s mail box.  All current Link Leaders who wish to continue, MUST RE-APPLY!


Parent-teacher conferences will be held in the cafeteria from 4:00 to 7:15 tomorrow, March 24.  Students may accompany their parents.


There will be a Teens for Christ meeting on Wednesday, March 27 in Room A2.


Senior Party tickets will be on sale for $55 during lunch every Wednesday and Friday through March. Get your tickets early!


Today’s lunch will consist of: nachos and cheese, chicken noodle soup, and bosco sticks, plus the usual choices.


Now for today’s sports: 


Now for today’s random fact: In 1921, London doctor Percy Oliver came up with the idea for the first blood donation service, in which people could offer up a small amount of their own blood for use by others.


Thanks for listening, Edsel Ford.   Have great day!!