Edsel Ford High School

Daily News for March 4th

Good morning Edsel Ford. Today is Tuesday, March 4th, and these are your daily announcements. Sponge dance will be held On April 4th. 

Anyone participating in the dodgeball tournament must turn in their $25 payment by today, at the rules meeting.  2010 class officers will be at both lunches today to collect money, or please turn it in to Mrs. Haddad. If your money isn’t turned in by today,  your team will not be allowed to participate in the tournament.  Also,  spectators are invited to watch the tournament, Admission is $1.00 Attention French NHS members: we will be going to Salina today and Snow on Thursday the 6th. This is our last time at Snow. There will be a Spanish National Honors Society meeting today.  All members are required to attend. If you have not yet been inducted and do not attend,  you will not be inducted. We will be discussing other events prior to inductions. Seniors wishing to be selected as the EFHS Senior Artist should bring their portfolio to a meeting after school in F-13 on March 7th.You will have time to fix, update, or add to your portfolio before the final decision is made (in April), but you MUST attend this first meeting with your work. 

There will be a mandatory rules meeting today in the cafeteria at 2:30 for the dodge ball participants.     Bring your money. Students who have signed up for the blood drive, remember to drink juices and water and to eat a good breakfast on Wednesday morning. 

Boys track athletes: Track begins next Monday. Athletes are requested to bring sweats and running shoes and meet in the big gym. Students wishing to enter the Safe Driving Competition:  Remember to turn in your paragraph to Mr. Tyler in C-3. The dates for the test drives are either April 10th or the 11th. 

Spring sports start March 10th.   You must have a physical on file to try out.  If you need a physical form,  you can pick one up in Mr. Picano’s office across from the cafeteria.  Boy’s golf tryouts will begin on March 10th, from 5:15- 6:30 at O.L. Smith
Middle School. We will meet in the auditorium.   Please bring your putter and a wedge. You must have a physical form to try out.
 Freshman class hat day is Friday March 7th.   Hats are to be worn upstairs only! The cost is 50 cents for a baseball cap and $1.00 for other hats. Buy a sticker before or after school upstairs.  Senior party tickets will be on sale every Wednesday during lunch.   Tickets are $55. 

Today’s lunch menu will consist of chicken patty on bun, spicy chicken patty, mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken noodle soup, apple crisp, glazed carrots, chicken wraps, chicken Caesar salad, turkey sandwich, cheese rolls, and cookies.  Today’s Random Fact:
Hawaii is the only U.S state that grows coffee.  

 Thanks for listening Edsel Ford.    Have a great day.