Daily Bulletin 10/16/24
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xCzqpfWCERNVJFROpLKCrsYregLSVWvs04Q6aeHWoqQ/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 10_16_24Download
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xCzqpfWCERNVJFROpLKCrsYregLSVWvs04Q6aeHWoqQ/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 10_16_24Download
Key Club of Edsel Ford has planned a Trunk or Treat on Sunday October 20th from 5 to 7pm in the teacher parking lot! Please see the attached flyer below with all of the details. It is a FREE event! All are invited to this great cause! Key Club’s intent for this Trunk...
Parent Teacher Association Meeting on Wednesday October 16th in the Edsel Ford Cafeteria. This is a great way to be involved with your child's school! PTSA Membership: sign up to be a member here.Follow on Facebook: Edsel Ford High School PTSA
If you or your child is a senior at EFHS who plans on submitting a senior portrait for the yearbook that portraits must be submitted to the yearbook staff by December 1st to Mr. Pletzke. Directions to upload your senior portrait at yearbookforever.com: Enter Edsel...
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I1no0fy8l3xySlj7i_LlXnQapVXj8JSU2dj0gl7drbk/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 10_15_24Download
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xa8JxsgmuXRx55m41D80FACnSlRZ7yMRC9LJh0dLP0k/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 10_14_24Download
College/Career Fair - Edsel Ford will be hosting a College Fair on Tuesday, October 15th, 6PM to 7:30PM in the cafeteria. High School Students from across the district are welcome to attend and we highly encourage all seniors to attend!! Take this opportunity to talk...
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