Daily Bulletin 11/11/24
Daily Bulletin 11/11/24 Daily Bulletin 11_11_24Download
Official Calendars
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Daily Bulletin 11/11/24 Daily Bulletin 11_11_24Download
Please see attached letter from Dr. Maleyko. EFHS VolleyBall 11 7 24Download
Happening tomorrow at Lindbergh Elementary School! FINAL 2024 Boutique Marketing Flyer (2)Download
Congratulations to the Winners for Students of the Month for the month of October: Umar Zia--9th Grade Maryam Nahshal--10th Grade Mohamed (Michael) Sayed--11th Grade Jeremy Paddock--12th Grade Jeremy and Maryam Umar and Michael Congratulations to Ms. Aiosa for...
Daily Bulletin 11/8/24 Daily Bulletin 11_8_24Download
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kigYA5jFKRRF2EkkQzVB7k6HdyE12t-ZAZueGQU_F0c/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 11_7_24Download
Each year the PTSA provides food for the staff and teachers during parent teacher conferences. The PTSA would appreciate your support with any donations to help cater their lunch. Please see the link below: https://app.givebacks.gives/c12ebd Thank you for all your...
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hj3zP7L8hRVm4NyWZROOPOj1RfZ9riUMCI0BnoV72TY/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 11_6_24Download
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