Edsel Ford High School

Daily News

Anti- Vaping Survey

Recently Dearborn Public Schools has created an ant-vaping committee which includes the PTA, community organizations and student leaders in order to come up with the best course of action to take in addressing this issue.  Part of this work is to better understand the...

Career Counselor Corner

Career Counselor Corner

Career Counselor Corner – Winter 2024 Newsletter Wayne RESA's Career Counselors & Postsecondary Success Navigator bring you up-to-date information to help assist your child on their career journey. With the support of our local schools, we aim to provide resources...

Monthly Parent Meeting

إجتماع الاهالي الشهري في ادسل فورد الساعة السادسة في المساء في المكتبة يوم الاثنين 22 من يناير\كانون الثاني...