Edsel Ford High School

Catherine Awada


Please remember this year school ends on June 7th. There will be finals that week. Finals are required in person.  Please plan your vacations after school lets out. No student will be excused from taking finals especially if they are on audit. 

Judge Presentation to Government Students

Judge Presentation to Government Students

11th grade government students had an opportunity to listen to a presentation by the Hon. Lawrence Elassal, Wayne County Circuit Court Judge on Monday, March 4th during their 5th Hour. It was a great opportunity and learning experience! Please...

Thank you for supporting the Operating Mileage Renewal!

Thank you for supporting the Operating Mileage Renewal!

Please see Dr. Maleyko and the Board of Education’s message regarding your passage of the millage below: https://superintendent.dearbornschools.org/2024/02/29/thank-you-for-supporting-the-operating-millage-renewal/ Dear Friends and Supporters, On behalf of the staff...

Parent Teacher Conferences -Donations for Lunch

Edsel Ford PTSA is hosting a meal for our teachers before parent teacher conferences on Tuesday, March 5th.  If you would like to help, please have the food there by 12:30 p.m. so we may set up in time for teachers to get something to eat before conferences....

EF Feeder Track Concert

Proud to be a Performing Arts T-Bird! Our Edsel Ford, O.L.Smith, Stout, AND Salina students performed together for our incoming 5th Grade Students. They did an absolutely beautiful job. Congratulations on a job well done!  See below for a link and for an overview of...