If you are looking for employment and want to stay local, Snow Elementary is still looking for noon hour supervisors. A noon hour supervisor typically works 2 hours per day but there is potential for more hours and quick advancement into other positions. Lots of...
Catherine Awada

Congratulations to Ms. Yahya-Staff/Teacher of Month for November!
We would like to congratulate Ms. Yahya on being voted the Staff/Teacher of the Month for November by the students!

Edsel Ford Winter Concert:Wednesday December 17th at 7pm
Daily Bulletin Friday, December 6, 2024
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gOoyKaMFuP3NAB03skOaTC_iiUpZ6bhKTdBSDpdE-j4/edit?usp=sharing _Daily Bulletin 12_6_24Download

Edsel Ford Food Drive Wednesday,December 11th at 1pm مخزن الغذاء
Daily Bulletin Thursday December 5, 2024
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DuV7TlZOHWYULu5k9oLbNVomNj47qDMnkFFKajVu7zI/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 12_5_24 (1)Download
Graduation Cap & Gown for Seniors and Yearbook Orders
Attention Seniors and Parents of Seniors! Class Cap and Gown Information is available at Jostens.com The gown comes embroidered with the EF logo and orders are due by December 31st. See Graduation Jostens Flyer for instructions on how to order. Attention All...
Daily Bulletin Wednesday December 4, 2024
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mQwLIVtELNxI163vIIn_otUjKLG8X6Gjnc7bSRHnw34/edit?usp=sharing Daily Bulletin 12_4_24Download
Bus #660 running 7 minutes late
Parents, Bus #660 is running behind today ,December 3, 2024.

Congratulations to the Student Publishers!
We would like to extend our congratulations to Student Publishers! Edsel Ford is pleased to announce that students Jumana Abbas, Mona Ahmed, and Thao Ho have successfully published a book they wrote and illustrated during their time at Stout Middle School. The title...