EF Report
Monday March 29, 2010
The Sponge pictures are in! If you would like to get your pictures then see Scott Werth ASAP.
Link Crew applications are now available in the main office, counseling office, and from Mrs. McAuliff. They are due NO LATER then April 23rd. If you are a current Link Crew leader you must reapply.
There will be a mandatory meeting for all present 10th &11th graders who are duel enrolling next fall. The meeting will be held Tomorrow March 30th at 6:30pm after parent conferences.
All seniors in French NHS must turn in their cord money to Mrs. Katzman by April 1st. Cords are $13.
The class of 2013 is having a Guest Griller fundraiser at Mongolian BBQ Thursday April 1st, from 5-9pm tickets are $25 sold at both lunches.
If you did not receive your report card, please stop by the main office during lunch or after school.
The George Walhout Scholarship for $450.00 is available to a Edsel Ford Senior who plans to attend either HFCC or U of M Dearborn with proof of a planned program in the field of mathematics or science. To be eligible, students must have at least a 2.5 GPA and have attended either Stout or OL Smith Middle School. If you are interested, please see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office.
Students! Please be Aware that if you are assigned detention and DO NOT complete the days that were assigned to you, you will be SUSPENDED OUT OF SCHOOL!
If you turned in pictures for baby or buddy ads, you may pick them up in room E-12 anytime between classes or before school. This year’s yearbook is completed, but it is not too late to order your copy. There are not many more available. In fact, there are no blue covers left to order. Don’t wait until the price goes up to $85 when the books come in, order yours TODAY!
To All Juniors:
The University of Michigan – Dearborn is offering an entrepreneurship academy for three juniors from Edsel Ford. Edsel Academy is a two week competition that promotes entrepreneurship, while enhancing teamwork, and financial literacy. Students will be brought together for a chance to compete for various scholarship prizes. Each student will walk away with at least a $500 scholarship, among completion of the program, to any college of their choice. Competition winners can earn up to $1500 each in scholarships. Edsel Ford students won the competition two years ago. If any juniors are interested, please see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling office.
To All Seniors:
Henry Ford Community College is offering 12 $1,000 scholarships to seniors from Edsel Ford who will be attending HFCC next year. Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA to be eligible. Also, HFCC is offering two Board of Trustees’ Scholarships to two seniors who possess outstanding academic records and are not receiving the Michigan Competitive Scholarship. These scholarships cover the cost of tuition and are available for four semesters, or 62 hours.
Today’s lunch is Cheese Quesadillas, Spanish rice, and chicken noodle soup
Random Fact of the Day: Elephants are the only mammals that can’t jump.