Edsel Ford High School

Attendance Policy

 Student High School Attendance Policy

Special Notice:

It is Dearborn Public Schools and Edsel Ford High School Policy that as an agency of the state we are required to enforce the regular attendance of students.  Students must finish the school year and any assignments that are missed will be counted as zeros. Final exams cannot and will not be given early.

Edsel Ford High School Attendance Policy

Students are required to attend classes and keep absences to a minimum.  Habitual absence or tardiness results in serious lapses in the accumulation of knowledge, enrichment, practical and physical skills, self-discipline, and a sense of responsibility.  Teachers and administrators consider class attendance and promptness significant components affecting a student’s grade.  Parents and students have a responsibility for attendance and are encouraged to schedule medical and dental appointments, personal business, and vacations outside school hours.

The attendance rules and regulations require a procedure for involving parents or guardian in the validation of the student’s absence.  Therefore, under this attendance practice the parent or guardian is required to call the school to verify the student’s absence within 24 hours or the absence is unexcused.  This procedure applies to all students who are affected by these rules and regulations within the senior high school program of the Dearborn Public Schools.

  1. A student who is over fifteen minutes late to class is considered to be absent.
  2. Two lates (5 to 15 minutes) in a class is considered to be an absence.
  3. Four tardies in a class is considered to be an absence.
  4. All school sponsored activities that take students out of class/school will not be considered an absence under this policy.  A listing of such activities will be provided by the individual school’s administration.
  5. In-school suspensions and out-of -school suspensions will not be considered an absence under this policy.

When a student has ten (10) or more absences, excused or unexcused, in one semester (based on #1-4 above) they will receive reduced credit UNLESS:

  • Absences have been caused by extenuating circumstances, such as hospitalization, surgery, or death in the family.  Vacations DO NOT qualify as extenuating circumstances.  Documentation must be submitted as soon as the student returns to school for each and every absence, but no later than 10 school days following the absence.

A student who receives reduced credit will receive their full credit if they earn a 78% or higher on the end of term cumulative/comprehensive assessment or test out exam.

Students who earn reduced credit in a required class will be required to retake the course in either the ASAP program or in summer school.

A letter will be mailed home to parent or guardian when the student reaches 10 absences and also when the student reaches 20 absences.

 Student High School Attendance Policy