We hope to see you there! There will be ceramic items, baked goods, basket raffles and a table sponsored by the Arab American Museum. It should be fun! All proceeds benefit Gleaners Food Bank and Blessings in a Backpack. Soup, bread, coffee and tea provided. For a minimum suggested $6 donation, guests who attend this family-friendly dinner may select a one-of-a-kind handmade bowl and enjoy a serving of tasty soup and bread. Besides bowls, pen cups, paperweights and other handmade clay items may be available. The items are created by students in kindergarten through high school who attend Dearborn Public Schools and by district art teachers.
Donations will support Gleaners Food Bank and Blessings in a Backpack – local charities that help feed the hungry, including families in Dearborn Public Schools.
Empty Bowls Event-Monday the 4th of November
Park Place
23400 Park St.
Dearborn MI