Edsel Ford High School

Edsel Ford National Honor Society

National Honor Society

Attention all current Sophomores and Juniors interested in applying to Edsel Ford NHS:It is time to prepare for your National Honor Society application.  Packets will be available and due in September 2024.

  • You will need a 3.5 overall GPA as of the end of this semester.
  • You will need a letter of Recommendation from a non-relative adult.
  • You will need your own application letter. Stating why you are worthy of being a member of the Edsel Ford Alpha NHS Chapter.
  • You will need a minimum of 10 hours of documented community service by the time your application is due in the Fall.
  • How to obtain volunteer hours over the summer: You need to volunteer this summer to help at a community center with little kids, work on a neighborhood cleanup, anything voluntary and get an adult to sign you worked for at least 10 hours and then turn it into the counseling office in September and also put it on your application where it is asked for.

Application packets will NOT be available this semester.  There will be an announcement made in September about where to pick them up. Have a great rest of the school year and summer vacation 

Mr. Dallas and Mrs. Mroue

Attention returning NHS members: We will give all eligible returners a contract to sign and return to us if they still want to be part of NHS. Returners must meet the GPA requirement of 3.5 or above and be in good standing with the school.  No suspensions for poor behavior etc

 Please note this info has also been emailed to Sophomores and Juniors.