Edsel Ford High School

Year: 2022

Edsel Ford PTC


Edsel Ford High School Parent Teacher Conferences مؤتمرات المعلمين واولياء الأمور في ادسل فورد الثانوية  Thunderbird Families, This is a reminder that we will have Parent-Teacher Conferences, on Tuesday, Nov. 15, & Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022  from 4:00 PM...

Demystifying Apprenticeships-Event at HFC

Demystifying Apprenticeships-Event at HFC

Trade and Apprentice Education at Henry Ford College will be hosting an event entitled "Demystifying Apprenticeships" in recognition of National Apprenticeship Week.  The event will feature a Panel Discussion that will provide valuable insight to...

Math Kangaroo at U of M Dearborn

Math Kangaroo at U of M Dearborn

The Department of Mathematics and Statistic at the University of Michigan – Dearborn is pleased to offer the Math Kangaroo competition on March 16, 2023. To participate, enroll at www.mathkangaroo.org by Dec 15, 2022 and select University of Michigan – Dearborn as...

Parent Teacher Conference Meal

Fall parent-teacher conferences at Edsel start on Tuesday, and PTSA is again organizing a meal for teachers between school and conferences that day.  (Early dinner?  Late lunch?  Lupper?)  Whatever you want to call it, we are looking for food donations and a few...