Edsel Ford Daily Bulletin
September 15, 2021
Open House
Please remind your parents that tomorrow night is Open House! It will be held from 6 – 7:30 pm. We will have a food truck on site! Rafic’s Falafel will be here with delicious food!
There will be an informational meeting after school on Thursday, Sept 16 for anyone interested in joining DECA in room F8. Come check it out.
Night School Registration
Night School registration has started. If you need to make up any classes, please visit the counseling office for forms and classes available.
Classes will start on September 21.
Yearbooks will be on sale at Lunch. If you would like to buy a 2021 (last year’s yearbook) there still are some available for $75. If you would like to pre-order a 2022 yearbook (this year’s yearbook), you can do so at lunch or after/before school in F-9 Mr. Pletzke’s classroom for $65.
If you buy a 2021 and 2022 at the same time during the month of September, the cost for both will be $125. Payments can be CASH or CHECKS made out to Edsel Ford.
Senior Parking
Seniors the last day to purchase a parking pass is September 17th. Passes will only be sold in the morning, before school in the main office. You must bring in your license, registration and $20 (cash only)
Superintendent Student Advisory Committee
Students, those of you who are interested in being on the Superintendent Advisory committee need to complete the google form in the link below.
Superintendent Student Advisory Committee Application
Cross Country
Do you enjoy running? Do you like the idea of trying out a new sport? The Cross Country team is looking for runners.
We still have spots on the Varsity team to fill! If you are interested, talk to Mr. Brooks in room E-2 or email him at brooksd2@dearbornschools.org
Students please click the link below to see all athletic activities for this week !
(ترجمة هذه الصفحة في الأسفل. إضغط على Select Language ثم اختر اللغة العربي Arabic.)
Yasmeen Nasr, Community Liaison Edsel Ford High School 313-827-1535 nasry@dearbornschools.org or Zenib Ali, Parent Student Liaison Edsel Ford High School 313-827-8123 aliz1@dearbornschools.org