Edsel Ford High School

Letter to Students from the Counseling Department

Welcome back students! 

We are excited to return to some form of normalcy. We want to welcome our new and returning students! Please review the following information in regards to your schedule.

Please note that there have been changes with counseling assignments; make sure to email your current assigned counselor. 

  • All students can access their schedule via student portal/connect  August 23rd at noon. Please note- make sure to recheck your schedule before August 30th to ensure there have not been any changes. 
  • All students are required to have six classes on their schedule (Except 12th grade Collegiate Academy students)
  • Grades 9-11 are required to have Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies
  • Grade 12 is required to have both Language Arts and Math
  • Schedule changes can be made for ONLY:
    • missing classes
    • a repeated class
    • an incorrect required class
  • Schedule changes CANNOT be made for:
    • a teacher change
    • wanting to be with friends
    • switching hours 
    • lunch change 

***Please email your counselor if you have any of the issues listed above.  Counselor caseload is determined by your last name.  

Hella Mohamed A-Alw mohameh@dearbornschools.org

Craig Kiefer Aly-Ham kieferc@dearbornschools.org

Ibrahim Baydoun                    Han-New baydoui@dearbornschools.org

Gail Welmers             Ngu-Z welmerg@dearbornschools.org

Schedule Pick Up

Students are to come to Edsel and pick up their schedule on August 27th.

Schedules will be in the cafeteria. You can access the cafeteria through the gym/courtyard doors.

  • 9th       During orientation on Aug.  24th (1-3PM) 
  • 10th     10-11AM (students can tour the building during this time)
  • 11th     11-12PM
  • 12th     12-1PM