Edsel Ford High School

High School Testing Schedule Spring 2021

APRIL 2021

Beginning Tuesday, April 13th 2021, Dearborn’s High Schools and all other high schools in Michigan, will be administering the SAT, PSAT, Workkeys & M-Step Assessments to all high school students. 

The following is the 2021 testing schedule for all 9th, 10th, 11th grade students:

Tuesday 4/13/2021Wednesday 4/14/2021Thursday 4/15/2021

11th Graders

7:40-12:40SAT plus EssayDismissal at 12:40

8:00-11:15 ACT WorkKeysDismissal at 11:15 

8:00-11:15 M-STEP Science & SSDismissal at 11:15

12th Graders 




10th Graders
No classes in the morning11:30-2:55 PSAT 10Dismissal at 2:55

9th Graders


No classes in the morning11:30-2:55 PSAT 9Dismissal at 2:55


Makeups will be on the following dates:

  • SAT – Tuesday, 4/27
  • WorkKeys – Wednesday, 4/28
  • MSTEP –Friday, 4/16 – Friday, 4/30

All students enrolled in Dearborn Schools are required to take these assessments.  The State of Michigan calls for all students to take these standardized assessments and they are a required part of state and federal accountability.  Students in our Virtual Learning Program will also be attending on the above dates.  All building staff will be reporting on these days so that we may maintain small numbers in each of our testing rooms.  For 11th graders, the assessments are part of the Michigan Merit Examinations and are a Dearborn graduation requirement. This includes SAT, Workkeys and MStep. Any 10th grader who is interested in the Henry Ford Collegiate Academy scholarship, must take the PSAT 10.

What these tests are for:

SAT – The SAT is an admission test accepted by all U.S. colleges through the College Board.  The College Board has programs to encourage all students to take advantage of higher education.  The State of Michigan also uses this one-time test to rank our students against other students in the State.  This measurement determines if high schools have made progress in reducing gaps in achievement. The SAT scores are included on the student’s transcripts that universities and colleges review.  

PSAT – The PSAT test is for 9th and 10th grade students to prepare them for the SAT test which is taken during the 11th grade.  The SAT is a major criterion for college admissions.  This test will give students feedback on their strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study and success.  A real advantage is that when students get their PSAT scores- they can get an Individual KHAN Academy Plan- which is a customized SAT study plan based on their PSAT test performance.

WorkKeys – The WorkKeys assessment measures essential workplace skills and helps focus on building career pathways.  The tests also measure students’ skills and how they stack up to what employers expect from them in the workforce. 

M-Step – The M-Step is an assessment that the State of Michigan uses to assess where our students rank in reference to their proficiency in science and social studies. The State of Michigan also uses this one-time test to rank our students against other students in the State and as a measurement to determine if our high schools have made progress in reducing gaps in achievement. The SAT scores are included on the student’s transcripts that universities and colleges review. 

It is crucial that our students come to school prepared, on time and on task to be successful on these exams.  Moreover, it is important that our students continue to demonstrate to the entire State of Michigan that they are the finest students in the state. 

If you have any questions please contact your school administrator.

Click link below for Translated Copy of High School Testing Schedule Spring 2021