February 16, 2021
Dear Edsel Ford Parents/Guardians,
As we plan our return to school, we wanted to communicate how thrilled we will be to see all of our Thunderbirds back in the building. We appreciate all your support during this unprecedented time in education and life. We have been working at all levels for a safe and smooth transition. Below is some important information to keep you informed on the processes and expectations we have created in order to provide the best and safest return to school!
A Group and B Group
The purpose of the hybrid model schedule is to minimize the number of students in the classroom/building at one time. This will allow us to socially distance and maintain a safe environment. All students will continue to be in the same classes with the same teacher on Schoology. Students who come to school will need to bring their charged computer to follow along on Zoom and Schoology. The teacher will be instructing on Schoology to both students in the class and students at home.
To do this, half of the students will attend school each day.
- “A Group” students with the last name A-G will come to the school on Monday and Thursday. Students in this group will Zoom in on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday according to the schedule.
- “B” Group students with the last name H-Z will come to school on Tuesday and Friday.
Students in this group will Zoom in on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday according to the schedule.
- On Wednesday, all students will stay home and attend classes virtually. When your child is learning from home, they will “Zoom in” from home. Wednesdays will look like remote learning – what students are doing now.
VLP Students
Students who are signed up to remain virtual for the whole year will also follow the schedule below. Your child will attend classes virtually from home. If you did not sign up for VLP and do not plan on your student returning to the building for this year, a parent must contact the office at 313-827-1500 or email Ms.Rogula at rogulak@dearbornschools.org and let us know.
When we change to hybrid, the school start time is 8:00 am and dismissal is at 12:40 pm.
Students who are learning from home, will follow the same schedule. The schedule is attached below.
Classroom Set-up
Classroom set up is designed to provide social distancing – it will be a minimum of 3ft up to 6ft.
Students who need to use the bathroom will be given a pass. The bathrooms will be monitored for safety.
Students will be given a snack to eat during the fifteen minute break at 10:10 am – 10:25 am. They will eat in the classroom. Students going to the MBCC and DCMST during the break will take the snack with them.
Learning Labs
Learning labs will be available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1:45-2:55. The learning labs will either be at Edsel Ford or done virtually. Students can request extra assistance from the teacher during this time. The teachers will also set up meetings with students to work with them.
Family Covid Screening Process
Each morning, families are expected to take the temperature of all members of the household. If your child’s temperature is above 100.4 please keep your child at home. They can attend class virtually at home.
Student (in building) Safety Expectations
Masks must be worn at all times. Students will not be allowed to congregate at any time. During passing time, students are required to walk immediately to their next class. If your child is choosing to break social distancing rules, they will need to learn virtually. This is a strict and non-negotiable rule. We will open the doors to begin the day promptly at 7:50 am. Students will not be allowed in the building before that time for safety reasons. Please make sure students dress accordingly for the weather.
Student Materials and Chromebooks
Students must bring their charged chromebooks and supplies to school each day. Chromebooks must be fully charged at home. We do not have the capacity to charge individual chromebooks. Chromebooks should be brought to school in a student backpack and handled with care. All water fountains at the school have been disabled. Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle from home (a sports cap is the best option).
Sanitizing Process
All rooms used are on a sanitation schedule. All CDC recommended material and processes are available and in motion. However, the most critical safety measures are to (1) maintain social distancing, (2) keep masks on and above the nose, and (3) hand washing.
Student Waiting Room
If your child is at school and begins to feel ill, we have designated a room for your child to wait in until he/she is picked up. This room is supervised and closely monitored to assure safety measures are followed.
What if your child is a close contact?
In the scenario that your child is considered a “close contact” to another person who has tested positive, you will be notified immediately and with specific instructions. We cannot provide the names of other people involved at any time. In order to minimize any questions or concerns – please keep your child home if they are not feeling well or are running a temperature or if they have been exposed to a COVID positive person. Your child may attend virtually that day – get all of their instruction – and have their attendance count for them by attending virtually
As always- thank you for your patience and support.
Scott Casebolt
Edsel Ford High School