Edsel Ford High School

Daily Bulletin


Seniors:There are numerous Unigo Scholarships for the month of February totaling $140,000. Please take a minute to look at these wonderful opportunities. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Good Luck!!!”

Seniors: As of last week, we have 99 seniors who have completed their FAFSA. We still have 230 seniors who have not completed their FAFSA. As part of the FAFSA challenge that concludes on March 1st, I am kindly asking the remaining seniors to complete their FAFSA as soon possible. Just a reminder that every senior is highly encouraged to complete their FAFSA because certain scholarships and college grants are based on the completion of the FAFSA.

Visit my schoology page for a link to step by step instructions on how to complete your FAFSA. 


If you have failed a class 1st semester then you may need to enroll in night school. Night school/ASAP classes will start on February 9th. Please click on this LINK for more information. ASAP classes are $150 each. A $100 discount will apply to enrollments prior to February 9th. 

Edsel parents are invited to a joint parent group meeting with Mr. Casebolt on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 6:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting ID: 873 2995 3050 Passcode: 105384

PTSA, Boosters and Crescendo clubs are holding this joint meeting to hear a school update from Mr. Casebolt.  Each group will also take some time to conduct whatever business it needs to address after Mr. Casebolt’s comments. All are welcome to attend!

Good news readers! We now have access to ebooks through the SORA app. Click the link to learn how to access ebooks and audiobooks.  https://youtu.be/144XutRu5Ms 

The library is also offering curbside book pickups. Place a book on hold, and we will contact you with pick up instructions. Learn how by watching this video https://youtu.be/RVjA4OdswpIPlease email Mrs. Alward with any questions. alwardn@dearbornschools.org