Edsel Ford High School

Virtual Open House 10.22.20

Greetings Thunderbirds, Parents & Families,

Welcome to our Virtual Open House. Please follow the links below to view our Virtual Open House. The videos include important information about Edsel Ford High School and the 2020-2021 school year. You will find our plans and initiatives for the school year 20/21, 9th Grade Academy updates and school tour, Academies at Edsel Ford update, Learning Lab updates, MTSS support updates, PTSA & Crescendo Club updates, and so much more.
Click here to view the Open House Presentation by Mr. Casebolt, the EFHS staff, PTSA & Crescendo Club

Link to Link Crew Video:

Click here to watch a tour of the school by the EFHS Link Crew Students 

Link to Title 1 page:

Click here for the EFHS Annual Meeting for Parents in a Title I Building

Link to DPS Open House Info page:

Click here to find the Dearborn Public Schools Open House Presentation

Thank you for all your support.
Go Thunderbirds!

Principal Casebolt