Edsel Ford High School

Edsel Ford Daily Bulletin 10.21.20

Drama Club will meet today to elect officers and discuss State Thespian Festival. All are welcome to come get involved.  Our season is not set, so we have lots of possibilities for participation. Come check it out.

The Zoom link is https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/88484161532?pwd=aUlCRW1nYWFXUWNPejBpMnNQUU5VQT09

The Group Code for EFHS Theatre is 29PK-C7BZ-VB7J4. See you then!

Battle Against Hunger – Food Collection Drive Up/Drop Off sponsored by EF Link Leaders. Wednesday, October 21st  12noon-6p   Drop off non-perishable food items in the front driveway at EFHS. Donuts will be sold for $1 each. All food and money will assist local families in need through Zaman International. 


Seeking new & returning members for this season please fill out the link:

2020/2021 SEASON  https://forms.gle/r6kazxny3EHnmzdw9

If you are interested in Interact Club or would like more information click on the link above. Please complete this form to be invited to the Interact Club Zoom Group. Since we cannot meet in person, we will need to be creative with our community service while having fun making the world a better place for our neighbors and community. Interact Club Interest Form   https://forms.gle/G5kf8oDbMDq5koZa7.

Curbside Book Holds: 

You can place books on hold for pick-up at Edsel Ford. Books will be available for pick-up between 9 and Noon on Mondays and Fridays. Here is a How-to video that shows you how to place a book on hold. https://youtu.be/RVjA4OdswpI

Link for the EFHS Library Catalog: https://libraries.resa.net/common/welcome.jsp?site=106

Library Book Checkout Learning Labs

Need something new to read? The library will be open during learning labs for students to check out books. However, visits must be pre-arranged because a limited number of students can be in the library at a time. The first step is to request a visit by completing the Google form. You will receive an email with information confirming the day and time you are scheduled to visit. Library Learning Lab Request Form: https://forms.gle/ogPs91YaQHZYFAMU7

**All students visiting during a learning lab must have a completed and signed COVID-19 School Health Screening Agreement on file 

Returning Library Books: 

There are still a few hundred books that still need to be returned that were checked out last year. We would like to get as many of those books returned as possible to begin circulating them again. For your convenience, we have a book return bin located right inside the EFHS main doors. Please drop off books from last year if you are coming to the school for a learning lab or other visit. Thanks! Mrs. Alward