Edsel Ford High School

Daily Bulletin 10.8.20

If you are interested in joining EFHS Islamic Club, please click on the link below and fill out the form. (10/9)

Islamic Club Form

DEBATE- If you are interested in joining Debate, please add yourself to Groups in Schoology with the Access code:  X9Z8-BSNN-2SGZX

We will meet on Zoom on Wednesdays at 3:00:  https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/83299650108?pwd=VFRHUHlUcld1b2RYSjFlSjZZOFltZz09

BPA/DECA- If you are interested in joining BPA or DECA, please add yourself to Groups in Schoology with the Access code:  4TDQ-CV5X-ZQJ5K

We will meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 3:00:  https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/81537929517?pwd=VU5KYzdyOXBKQmh6UUgrRk1tTmxwUT09