Edsel Ford High School

Message from the Principal

Dear Edsel Ford Parents and Families,

Hi Everyone- On another day where we find ourselves wondering what is next- I wanted to share some information and plans for our return to normal.  Here are a list of updates- I am trying to balance over communicating or duplicating all of the information you get from the district:

  • Most important is the fact that teachers have developed enrichment only lessons- please ask, encourage and support your students so that they continue to progress and learn so that they are prepared when we return to school.  I will save my comments for an appropriate time on the mixed messages from MDE and then thankfully and quickly clarified by our Governor.
  • It is the expectation of Edsel Ford’s administration and teachers that students participate in online learning.  The work being assigned to you is to ensure that you do not fall behind academically. 
  • We are not sure when we will return, but Edsel Ford will continue to provide you with on-line learning opportunities.  As a school, it is important for us to continue to grow and thrive academically.
  • Assignments will be marked as Not Graded, but may be put in MiStar to allow for feedback.  
  • The US Dept. of Ed has waived the requirement for statewide student testing- we now are waiting on the Michigan legislature to amend our state law that requires statewide testing and accountability.  That means there would be no SAT, MME, PSAT and M-Step testing this year.
  • Michigan legislature will also look to relax the Michigan Merit Curriculum high school graduation requirements, teacher and administrator evaluation requirements, and other legal requirements pertaining to school and this pandemic.
  •  E2020, ASAP, and AP students should still work on their content.  Their teachers have shared what they need to complete.
  • The AP test will be taken at home this year online.  Please encourage them to study before they take the exam.  There is no multiple choice, just essay questions.  
  • Superintendent Honors Night (May 14th) cancelled
  • EF Prom May 29th TBD based on numerous factors
  • EF Graduation TBD still scheduled for June 6th based on numerous factors
  • Daily Breakfast and lunch pickup at Edsel Ford from 10am-12pm doors behind cafeteria (Use Pelham entrance)

Special message to our Edsel Ford Seniors – I want you to know that you are a Class to Remember….

Senior year is a time period in life you’ll always remember, and we’ll all remember this particular Senior year as even more extraordinary.  Extraordinary for the circumstances we are under, but also extraordinary for the way we’re making sacrifices to bring safety to all. 

School may be temporarily closed.

Seasons may be on hold.

There are things we cannot control.

But we can control the way we respond to what’s happening in a positive way.  That is where your power is.

We believe in your resilience Class of 2020.  We believe that even when things look down- you will rise up.  

For now, let’s stand strong, yet apart- so we can celebrate together later.  

– Jostens

All my best- Principal Casebolt