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Edsel Ford High School

Daily Bulletin

Enter the Edsel Ford bookmark contest! Create a bookmark that highlights reading and books. Entry forms are in the Media Center and are due February 28th. The winning bookmarks will be given out at local libraries in March and winning students will get a gift certificate for Green Brain Comics. 

Congratulations to Seniors Nora Heaton and Helena Salliotte-Roseberry for their outstanding showing at the MSVMA District 12 Solo and Ensemble Festival this past weekend. Both received “I” or Superior Ratings and will advance to State Competition.  Many thanks to Mrs. Sara Jakubiec for accompanying these fine singers performances. 

Chess Club will meet again this Thursday after school in room F-8.

Senior class shirts are now on sale! You can get a form from any student council member or from Ms. Gallagher. All forms are due on Friday, February 14 and can be turned in to any student council member or Ms. Gallagher. If you do not have a 5th or 6th hour at Edsel, please put your ssr teacher!

It’s that time of year again!  Neon Night will be Friday, March 6.  Pick up the brand new Neon Night 2020 shirts during both lunches or come to Mr. Biggar’s class in B-13.  Shirts are $10. There is a limited supply and they are going fast so hurry!

Students: Guest pass applications for the Neon Night Dance are available on the school blog. The last day to turn them in is March 2nd – No Exceptions. 

Attention Book Club!  Our next read is a continuation of Eragon by Christopher Paloini .  Please meet for treats and discussion Friday, March 6th in room E2.  See you there!

There will be a class of 2021 parent meeting this Thursday February 13 at 6pm in the school cafeteria.

Reminder to all students: This Friday February 14th there will be NO Night School, Detention or Community Service. All students should be leaving school at 2:15.  “No Child Left Behind”! 

There will be a meeting in the cafeteria immediately after school on Tuesday February 25 for all male and female track athletes. This is a reminder if you plan on running track, you must have an MHSAA physical on file for MR. Picano. If you participated in another sport in the fall and winter, your past physicals will be valid. Thank you, Coach Tyler.