Attention Edsel Ford Students. This Announcement is from Dearborn High School’s Athletic Department…… No Edsel Ford students will be allowed into the Dearborn vs Fordson basketball game and ID’s will be checked at the door.
The Arabic Club is having a bake sale today after school, stop by for a treat!
Senior class shirts are now on sale! You can get a form from any student council member or from Ms. Gallagher. All forms are due on Friday, February 14 and can be turned in to any student council member or Ms. Gallagher. If you do not have a 5th or 6th hour at Edsel, please put your ssr teacher!
Attention Book Club! Our next read is Eragon by Christopher Paloini. Please meet for treats and discussion Today in room E2. See you there!
Students: Guest pass applications for the Neon Night Dance are available on the school blog. The last day to turn them in is March 2nd – No Exceptions.
Reminder for ALL Students: Part of our school wide PBIS behavior philosophy is that school events are designed for students that are in good standing both academically and behaviourally. These events include but are not limited to all dances including PROM, field trips, athletic events, celebration of achievements, etc. Any student that has been Out of School Suspended is not allowed to attend these events. Additionally, if a student is OSS they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored events while on suspension; this includes away sporting events.