Edsel Ford High School

DECEMBER 10, 2019

Congratulations to Ahmed Elhajj-hussein for finishing in 10th place in the Wayne Oakland County Debate League this year.

NHS members,,, don’t forget the toys for Children’s Hospital need to be turned into the counseling office no later than this Thursday, by 2:30pm. Please put the toys in a bag with your name in it.

Volunteer tutors and mentors needed! Communities in Schools (CIS) homework clubs at Snow Elementary, Smith Middle, and Salina Community Center are looking for volunteers to help students after school. If you live close to one of these schools and/or would like volunteer hours and experience tutoring, join our crew! At Geer Park, we are also looking for mentors to work one on one with students to build academic and social skills. It’s a great way to make a difference for a young student. We will have a volunteer orientation on December 16th at 1:30pm (during 6th hour). If you are interested in either of these opportunities, you must sign up for the orientation using this link: https://forms.gle/a132TSkobY6c2Z5d7 or find the flyer with the QR Code by Friday Dec. 13th. For any questions, email Ms. Gabby at foleyg@dearbornschools.org.

“Key Club will be meeting TODAY, Tuesday, after school, in Ms. Patroniti’s room. There will be a service project after the meeting as well. Everyone is invited to join!”

Attention Book Club!  This month’s read is Autoboyography by Christina Lauren.  Please meet for treats and discussion Friday, December 13th in room E2.  See you there!

All girls serious about playing indoor soccer this winter should attend a brief meeting after school Wednesday 12-11 at 2:20 in the cafeteria for important information. 

Interact Club and DFSE 4750 are collecting new socks till DECEMBER 12 2019 – please drop off new socks to the sock box – on Ms.Salsbury’s office – or to Mrs.Mahar in the media center 

Volunteers needed!! Whitmore Bolles is in need of students who know how to play chess and how willing to help out. It would on Tuesday’s afterschool.

They really need our help! Please sign up with Mrs. Welmers in the counseling office this week.

Interact Club/Rotary Club is seeking volunteers to help out with “Santa Snaps” at the end of the Wayne County LightFest, near HYPE.  You would be assisting Rotary Club members by taking and printing guest pictures with Santa, it’s a fun time! Everyone is welcome to volunteer, adults as well as groups of up to five!  See Mrs. Mahar in the media center or Ms. Salsberry in her room across from the gym for dates and times available. (NHS Members-this will count toward hours.)