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Edsel Ford High School

Social Media Post

September 25, 2019 

Dear Parents,

A big part of our school safety plan is providing clear, timely, and factual communications. In keeping with that practice I would like to take a moment to share with you information regarding a social media post pertaining to Edsel Ford. 

This morning, the Edsel Ford administration was made aware of a message posted on social media threatening violence at our school. We immediately contacted Dearborn Police and also began our own investigation to determine the source of the post.  

A short time later it was determined there was no credible threat to our building. Dearborn Police worked with building administrators to track the source. I want to reassure our Edsel Ford community that at no time were any students or staff in danger.

Once again, the post was another example of people making inappropriate comments without realizing the implications of those comments or the seriousness of their actions.  As a school, any type of threatening comment must be acted upon swiftly and the discipline for making such comments can be severe. Please see the letter from Wayne County Prosecutor Kim Worthy that was posted to our Edsel Ford blog that talks about the consequences for making false threats on social media. I would also encourage all parents to use this information as an opportunity to talk with your children about careful use of social media and comments made to other students in school, online, or in the community.

We thank the students who provided information to administrators to help resolve the issue. By working together and keeping an open two-way flow of communications with our community, Edsel Ford will continue to be a great school and a safe place for your child.

Go Thunderbirds, 

Pete Kotsogiannis, Acting Principal
Khalid Abdulla, Assistant Principal
Edsel Ford High School