Edsel Ford High School

June 10, 2019

MONDAY, June 10, 2019

There will be a brief cross country meeting on Tuesday June 11 th at 2:40 in the cafeteria for any boy or girl interested in running next Fall.

All boy’s interested in playing tennis in the fall should attend a brief meeting on Tuesday at 2:25 in the cafeteria.

10th graders- if you are interested in the Collegiate Academy, don’t forget to come to the meeting Monday, June 10th 5:40 pm in the Media Center. Bring your PSAT 10 scores! It is suggested you bring your parents.

Those of you taking AP Psychology or AP Government next year, see     Mr. Dallas in B10 next week for summer work.

Any girls interested in playing golf this fall, please come to F9, Mr Pletzke’s room from 220-225 Monday after school.  Meeting will be brief.

Attention Art Club students. Due to the holiday break, Art Club will meet today after school at 2:30. Thank you!

All female track student-athletes please return your uniform to Coach Macpherson before the end of the year. All male track student-athletes please return your uniform to Coach Tyler before the end of the year.

All A.P. Chemistry students please see Mrs. Ochoa in room A4 before or after school to pick up an AP Chemistry book and your summer assignment. If you are traveling during the day to DCMST/MBCC, you may pick up the work between 3rd hr and SSR/T-Time.

All A.P. Biology students please see Mrs. O’Brien in room A209 before or after school to pick up an AP Biology book and your summer assignments.

All library books are now due!. Please return your books to the library as soon as possible. Thank you!

Yearbooks are still on sale while supplies last.  There are only 50 yearbooks remaining. Yearbooks will be on sale at lunch Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.  You can also buy them from a yearbook staff member or come to F9 and get one from Mr. Pletzke. The cost is $75.