Edsel Ford High School

March 27, 2018



Students are reminded that they have 5 minutes between classes to use the bathroom. No passes are issued for bathroom use. Also, there is no passing time/passes between 3rd hour and SSR. No passes are to be given during SSR. Students should not leave class during announcements or during reading time. Thank you.

Hello, the Link Crew is organizing the Strive for a Safer drive campaign again this year.  Students and teachers are invited to take part in 2 contests with cash prizes!!#1 Video Contest: should be 3-5 minutes long, have at least 3 statistics on the dangers of distracted drivingAim is to make an impactful PSA or short film that gets people to think about the dangers of drving distractedSubmit to Tara Haddad by Friday, April 13th-Prizes:  1st-$125, 2nd-$50, 3rd-$25 and video will be submitted to National competition #2  Poster contestDesign a graphic that will be turned into a poster and tshirt Graphic respresenting distracted driving Stat on the dangers of distracted drivingLogo or catchy saying about dsitracted driving Due to Tara Haddad by Friday, April 13th -Prizes: The winner will win $100.00 and have their design made into a tshirt and poster to be displayed all over the district! Any questions can be directed to Mrs Haddad or senior Zach Darkowski.  We hope you get involved!

The Michigan Community Service Commission is excited to launch the 2018 Michigan Youth Service Poster Contest!  This competition gives young artists the chance to gain state wide recognition for their talents, while also making an impact in their communities.  As the state’s lead agency on volunteerism, we believe that all Michigan residents can empower and strengthen their communities from an early age.  Participation is open to all youth enrolled in grades K-12.  Participants are required to construct an original design that reflects the theme of volunteer advocacy.  Global Youth Service Day is April 20, and will serve as the deadline for design submissions.  Winning posters will be unveiled at the Govenor’s Service Awards on June 5, 2018 in Lansing!  Contest guidelines on the Michigan Community Service Commission website.

Hey, Seniors… Get your class of 2018 t-shirts.  All shirts on sale during A and B lunch.  Last day to buy one is March 29th. 

Prom tickets on sale during A and B lunch.  $55 for a single ticket and $100 for a couples ticket.  Don’t miss out on this memorable moment!  Last day to buy is April 20th. Guest Pass applications available in the Student Office.

There will be an Edsel Ford Football meeting WEDNESDAY MARCH 28th AFTER SCHOOL in the CAFETERIA. All student-athletes interested in playing or managing should attend. We will be providing information regarding the spring & summer schedules.

Attention Students: The PTSA is accepting nominations for the Edsel Ford Staff Person of the Year award. Nominate a staff member that has inspired you. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday April 18th; forms can be picked up in the Main, Student, or Counseling Office.

Attention students….please turn in your Advanced Placement exam order form and payment to counseling center secretary Mr. Eldridge by Wednesday, March 28th.

Seniors, are you interested in some cash for college?

The D.E.F.F. 2018 Unity Scholarship for $600 is available.  The D.E.F.F. is a joint collaboration between the 3 high schools, Dearborn, Edsel Ford and Fordson. To be considered for this scholarship, the form must be submitted by April 17, 2018.  Please see your counselor for more information and an application. Good luck!

Seniors:  Applications for the Edsel Ford Booster Club Scholarship are available in the Counseling Office & Student Office, pick one up today, the deadline is April 20th.

PTSA Scholarship Applications are available to pick up in both the counseling office and the student office.  The deadline is April 11th.

With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function.  It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque.   If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.