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Edsel Ford High School

December 18, 2017



The Edsel Ford Green School Committee is Adopting a Hippopotamus for Christmas and we need your help. Stop by our table in the cafeteria during B lunch to donate a dollar and help our school reach Emerald status! Thanks for your help!

Link Crew will be selling candy grams during both lunches through the 21st, wish someone Merry Christmas and have a candy gram delivered to their class on December 21st. 

The EFHS Performing Arts Department presents it’s annual WinterSong Concert Tuesday Dec. 19th  at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium.  The EFHS Orchestra, Choir, Band and Jazz Band will all perform.  There is no admission charge.

Attention Students: Test outs will take place in the media center on Wednesday, Dec. 20th @ 2:30 

Debate Meeting after school on Wednesday in C-2

Chess Club Meeting after school on Thursday after school in C-2

During the dates of January 16 through January 26: the Dearborn Public Library requires tha All students under the age of 18 are required to have parental supervision. For every four students, at least one parent must stay in the building and supervise the group the entire time they are in the library. Parents supervising students will have to speak to staff posted at the public entrance doors, sign a form stating that they are responsible for the group and that they will actively monitor the students while they are in the library. Additionally, please remember that the Dearborn Public Library requires that all students must show school ID or other valid photo identification upon entering the building. The library requires proper identification so that appropriate measures can be taken should any issues arise.