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Edsel Ford High School

March 30, 2017




ATTENTION SENIORS: Prom is May 14th, and it will be here before you know it.  Prom Tickets are going on sale beginning this week during A and B lunches.  Tickets are $55 for singles and $100 for couples.  Buy your tickets early and dont miss out on a truly unforgettable experience!

Teen Grantmaking Initiative (TGI) is an ACCESS program that trains teens to give back to their community through philanthropy and community service.Youth are put in charge of deciding which worthy causes and organizations tosupport, and grant their time, talent, and treasure to these youth and community-focused programs throughout the year. TGI is a wonderful opportunity to engage in meaningful community service, and it’s an amazingexperience that builds strong leaders and empowers underserved youth tochange the world! It’s important to note that TGI is a competitive program and does have an application process. If you are interested in joining this program, please see flyer in the counseling office.

Link Crew applications are out and can be obtained from outside Mrs Haddad’s office, counseling, the main office, and from your teachers.  The applications are due no later than Friday, April 14th! Link crew is for any junior or senior in the 2017-18 school year that has the desire to mentor incoming ninth graders.  Link Crew is a very committed club that offers many opportunities for community service as well as leadership opportunities.  We are looking for dependable, hard working, and empathetic students.  Please see Mrs Haddad if you have any questions.

The Performing Arts Department is having a Fund Raiser at Buffalo Wild Wings on 12 April 2017. See Mr. Doyle, Miss Oren or an Performing Arts Department member for a flier.

Yearbooks will be on sale during both lunches or before and after school in F9 Mr Pletzke’s room.  Don’t wait to order!

You are invited to the Edsel Ford Performing Arts Department’s Mangia, Music, and More Spaghetti Dinner on Thursday, March 30, 2017 in the EFHS cafeteria. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited!   Tickets are $10.00 each. Children under 10 – $5.00. Pre-sale tickets only. Tickets can be purchased on-line with a small service charge at or from a Crescendo Member or band member with cash or check. Tickets can be purchased until TODAY, March 24, 2017.  All Proceeds to benefit the Edsel Ford bands. Thank you for supporting the Arts! 

Seniors: Applications for the Booster Club Athletic Scholarship are now available in the counseling office & student office. Pick one up today, the deadline is April 20th.

Attention Seniors:  PTSA Scholarship Applications are available to pick up in both the counseling office and the student office.  The deadline is TOMORROW, March 31st.

With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense.  Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function.  It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally.  These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque.   If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.