Last day to enroll in ASAP will be on Monday, March 6th. No student will be enrolled after that date.
DCMST/MBCC kids do have a bus leaving the center at 12:45 so they can take part in the Charity Week Events! Please spread the word to your students
Come and join Relay for Life, after school, this Friday, March 3rd in room B-6
Edsel Ford High School is looking for their annual outstanding senior artist. Any senior who would like to be considered should submit a portfolio of 8-10 artworks to Ms. Patroniti in F3 before March 10th.
Winter Sports Banquet is Monday, March 13 and forms are due no later Friday, March 10.
Hello Tbirds! Passports for Charity Week are still for sale until this Friday, March 3rd. You can get the passports from your 3rd hour teacher or Mrs Haddad if you do not have a 3rd hour.
Charity Week T-shirts, Volleyball for Wednesday, and tickets for rollerskating (Tues Mar 7th 3-5pm) are on sale all this week during both lunches.
As our kick off event for Charity Week come eat pancakes on Monday, March 6th in the cafeteria before school. For $3 you will get pancakes, coffee or juice!
Remember our goal is to raise $5000 for Team wellness Center!! We can do it if we all contribute!
Just a reminder that videos and art work for the Drive safer Event are due to Mrs Haddad at haddadt@dearbornschools.org by this Friday, March 3rd.
Any Senior who plans to attend Henry Ford College next year and has a 3.0 GPA or above will be eligible for the $1,000 Michael Adray Memorial Golf Scholarship. Please see Mr. Baydoun in the counseling for more information and to get an application.
Buy your tickets at lunch for EDSEL FORD FORD’S 1ST ANNUAL NEON NIGHT, Friday March 10. Come and enjoy the music and experience the fun, don’t be left in the dark! Tickets are $20
With the institution of School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Support, any infraction that occurs requiring an assigned out of school suspension is considered a major offense. Any student that causes a major infraction resulting in an out of school suspension will not be allowed to participate or attend any school function. It is our philosophy that school events are designed for students that have not broken the rules and are in good standing academically and behaviorally. These events include all dances including prom, any celebration of achievement, and the senior barbeque. If a student is out of school suspended they are not allowed on school grounds or at any before or after school sponsored event while on suspension this does include away sporting events.